Smoke Alarms

"Doubly" secure!
Alarm sounds in case of fire-
keeps what you hold dear safe.
Bosch Smart Home's smart networked smoke detector will alarm you and your family in the event of developing smoke
- Loudly sounding the alarm making sure you are aware of any danger.

The Bosch Smart Home Smoke Detector

"Doubly" useful: The Bosch Smart Home Smoke Detector
Leaving your home empty on holiday?
Bosch Smart Home's networked smoke detector will ALWAYS remain alert.
Immediate notification upon smoke development: through both sounding the alarm as well as notifications through the app.
Giving you the control.
The smoke detector also serves as an alarm if a motion detector or window/door contact in your Smart Home System is set off. Sounding a loud alarm is more than likely to send intruders running.
The Bosch Home Smoke Detector: Dual protection from the risk of fire AND intruders.